
Take your network to the next level with highly-personalized white label and data hosting options.

White label website

To benefit from even more advanced customization, opt for Whaller white label, or “Gate”, a platform hosted on a dedicated URL that completely isolates your ecosystem from the rest of Whaller.

From the Business offer

Tailor-made data hosting

At Whaller, data sovereignty is just as fundamental as cyber security. We offer several hosting methods depending on your security needs. Data is stored on a French host, ensuring that it does not leave European territory and is not subject to extraterritorial laws.



Whaller offers by default to host your data on its servers located in France (OVHcloud).

From the Standard offer


Data On-Premises

Benefit from a hybrid architecture by hosting your data on the servers of your choice, and accessing your networks via

From the Business offer


All On-Premises

Install a standalone version of Whaller on your own servers to keep your service and data in house.

Exclusively for European institutional or industrial clients.

With the Enterprise offer

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